Double-Feature Ideas (with Drink pairings!)

<Insert Applicable Holiday/Event/Pandemic name here> is the perfect time to stay in and watch movies.  With that in mind, I humbly submit these double-feature suggestions (featuring my edits) along with drink pairings. 

Click the titles below to find the edits themselves (films that aren’t my edits go to JustWatch)

LAZARUS + Lovecraft Actually

Both of these projects are pretty weird and share some themes, so why not enjoy them together!? Call it my Apocalypse Duology 😀

Drink pairing: I dunno, maybe Twisted Tea?

Jurassic Park + Conquest of Jurassic World

Conquest of Jurassic World combines material from Jurassic World and Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom into a single film with a flashback structure.  Nothing is necessarily added to Conquest by watching Jurassic Park first… except that Jurassic Park is great and you should always watch Jurassic Park. That being said, I edited Conquest of Jurassic World with the idea of it working as a better direct sequel.

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Drink pairing:  Dinosaurs lived millions of years ago if you believe in science, so enjoy these films with your preferred aged whisky — on ice, neat, or in a cocktail, I won’t be strict about it.  I personally like Bourbon on ice or in an Old Fashioned.

Alternate drink pairing:  Two margaritas at the same time while running from Pterosaurs.

Wonder Woman + Man of Tomorrow

Man of Tomorrow combines material from Man of Steel and Batman V. Superman into a single, hopeful film about Superman.  Wonder Woman is perfect to watch first because it matches the optimistic tone of my edit and also makes Wonder Woman’s appearance in Man of Tomorrow all the more satisfying.

Drink pairing:  Your favorite beer should always go nicely with Superman.  In the film he drinks Budweiser… but you should never drink that.  I’m partial to Belgian styles like Saisons, Tripels, and Quads, but pick what you like (as long as it’s not Budweiser).

Paradise + Alien

Paradise combines material from Prometheus and Alien: Covenant into a film that focuses on David’s story.  Following it up with Alien progresses the story further and gives an added layer to Ash’s character and motivations in that film.

Drink pairing:  While David may only drink that weird milk stuff, a nice, full-bodied red wine goes well with the complexity and carnage of these films.



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